Treći razred

Welcome to our school

(Dobrodošli u našu školu)

Telling the time (gledanje na sat):

The months of the year (meseci u godini):

Seasons (godišnja doba):

Days of the week (dani u nedelji):

My body (Moje telo)

Family meal (porodični obrok)

Food (hrana):

More food and drinks (još hrane i pića):

Fruit (voće):

Vegetables (povrće):

Mind map (mapa uma):

Let's do some exercises about food!

Exercise 1: Look at the picture and write the numbers.
Vežba 1: Pogledaj sliku i napiši brojeve.

Let's check:
Hajde da proverimo:

Exercise 2: Write in your notebooks sentences about Colette and Linguini.
Vežba 2: Napišite u svojim sveskama rečenice o Colette i Linguini.

Let's check:
Hajde da proverimo:

Exercise 3: Write the food in your notebooks.
Vežba 3: Napišite nazive hrane u svojim sveskama.

Exercise 4: Try to find food words.
Vežba 4: Pokušajte da nađete reči koje imenuju hranu.

Do you speak English? (revision)

Da li govorite engleski? (ponavljanje)

Like/ don't like

Likes/ doesn't like

Celebrations around the world

(proslave širom sveta)

Easter song:

There is no place like home

(Nema mesta kao što je dom)

Rooms in the house

(Prostorije u kući)

Song "My home, sweet home"
(Pesma "Dome, slatki dome")

Prepositions of place

(Predlozi za mesto)

Let's do some exercises about prepositions!

Exercise 1: Circle the correct word.
Vežba 1: Zaokruži odgovarajuću reč.

Let's check:
Hajde da proverimo:

Exercise 2: Look at the picture and write the sentences.
Vežba 2: Pogledaj sliku i napiši rečenice.

Write the examples in your notebook:
Napiši primere u svoju svesku:

Let's check:
Hajde da proverimo:



More furniture:
(Još nameštaja):

Exercise 1: Match the words to the pictures.
Vežba 1: Poveži reči sa slikama.

Exercise 2: Draw the objects in the right room.
Vežba 2: Nacrtaj predmete u odgovarajućoj prostoriji.

Song: It's time to clean up 

There is, there are

(Ima, postoji, nalazi se)

Exercise 1: Look at your book, page 6, ex.1.
Vežba 1: Pogledaj svoj udžbenik, strana 6, vežba broj 1.

Let's check:
Hajde da proverimo:

I can do it!
(Mogu to da uradim!)

Additional exercises (dodatne vežbe):

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